Piet Mondrian, Tree (1912). Credit: Mondrian/Holtzman Trust/ bpk/Staatsgalerie
From the world of representation
I to Costco's bourne retreat,
temple of the shopping nation
where the serfs of commerce meet
—Mammon’s children have to eat.
I'm impressed despite myself
to see such piles of potent pelf,
while outside on 250 East
countless cars with flaming eyes
pay their homage to the Beast,
heading maybe now to Hell
to buy such things as it may sell.
On the shores of this Red Sea
I search undone for sight of me.
Did I make the world, and Why?
Better then curl up and die!
Turning from the scary sight,
we head for home, I say goodnight.
Underneath the Bodhi tree
leave for now God's baby be.
Later on—well, then we'll see.
December 19, 2024