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Updated: May 14, 2024

Pan fleeing Atlantiádēs. House of the Dioscuri, Pompeii.

Human above the waist but beast below, Pan (also called "Nature," or Everything) is portrayed as an enormous, shaggy, goat-footed flute player, with horns reaching up to heaven. He is illegitimate: his father was Zeus—but aren't we all children of God?—and Hubris was his mom. His sisters, the Destinies, are bastards too.

No one but Echo would have Pan for a husband. Their marriage was a flop—she always repeated what he said. Don't do that! Their only child, Iambē, or Banter, was seduced—and abandoned—by Pentameter, duke of Ellington, promulgator of poetry's great rule, “It don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that swing!”

Beaten by Love at wrestling—a grave blow to the heart, Pan died on the first Christmas Day, 1 CE (or 754 AUC, as the Romans say). This first became known under the emperor Tiberius (r. 14–37 CE), when a voice from offshore in Illyria told passing mariners: "Great Pan is dead!" and told them to go tell.

Many think, though, that he's still alive—living with a fake ID in Costa Rica, someplace like that—but this can scarcely be! Too many people would have had to cover it up, you see.

Perhaps, like King Arthur on the isle of Avalon, the emperor Frederick Barbarossa in the Kyffhäuser Mountain, and many another figment of legend, he's merely sleeping in some chthonic hidey-hole and, waking, will return.

Poetry Exercise: Rewrite in iambic pentameter.

Why? Why not! Have fun with it!

Verse contributes much to wit,

and Cupid's—it here seems . . . a her!

Note: The English word "coda" derives from the Latin cauda, meaning "tail."

December 23, 2023


Updated: Dec 21, 2023

Domenico Beccafumi, Annunciation (1545–46)

Mary, toying with the panzanella on their plate,

was, as usual, lamenting—you know, that “virgin” shtick of theirs,

how children just aren't their fate—

when the hovering Gabriele, our Tuscan server, interrupted, sotto voce:

“Scusa, bella! You got bun in oven. Chef say They make it. I am straight?”

On that note, I politely said good night. Pointless challenging waiters on a date when even kitchen staff ungrammatically depucelate!

Notes: Panzanella is a Tuscan salad made of stale bread, tomatoes, cucumber, and thinly sliced onions; "depucelate," a synonym of "deflower," derives from the French verb dépuceler (pucelle = "virgin").


“A man’s reach must exceed his grasp or what’s a metaphor?”—Marshall McLuhan

21 posts since last digest

1. OFFER: used rhinoceros, white/dead/horn sawn off (you haul, pickup on doorstep, Kruger neighborhood)

2. OFFER: old KKK regalia, some staining/orange marks, nice for “rug rat” future Grand Dragon/Imperial Wizard (Zion's Crossroads)

3. OFFER: box of old poetry books, Marzials, Coogler, Pulitzer, some markup, signature of prior owner, take all or none (University Ave)

4. OFFER: old skull, New Guinea, nineteenth century, nice for beginner phrenologist/anthropologist, no teeth (Lombroso Ave)

5. OFFER: gold star medal of Hero of the Soviet Union, tarnished, free to Progressive home (Petersburg)

6. OFFER: non-working submachine gun (Maschinenpistole 40), WW II memento, may need new bolt, no ammo, seldom used since Stalingrad (Manassas)

7. OFFER: Clozapine capsules, 500 mg, for hallucinations, past expiry date (Walnut)

8. OFFER: classic European-style dildo, purple color, strap frayed, otherwise OK (Downtown)

9. OFFER: crate of used MAGA hats, red, some tear-staining, extra-large size (Albemarle House Drive)

10. OFFER: framed photograph of rappers Lil’ Tsetse and Mama Ebola at Custer Arena getting unvaccinated (Vinegar Hill)

11. OFFER: Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson Commemorative Wedding Mug, handle broke off but could be glued (Buckingham)

12. TAKEN: vintage Pam & Tommy and Cosby Show VHS tapes, with parental warning (Memory Lane)

13. WANTED: 10,000 feet of barbed wire for art project, new or used (Moscow Heights)

14. OFFER: free book, Rumsfeld's Rules: Leadership Lessons in Business, Politics, War, and Life. By Donald Rumsfeld (Senior Center)

15. TAKEN: used rhinoceros, white/dead/horn sawn off (you haul, pickup on doorstep, Kruger neighborhood)

16. OFFER: self-driving Tesla automobile, scratch-and-dent, needs new owner, no warranty (Chrysler subdivision)

17. OFFER: Clean Barely Used BDSM Flogs & Whips. Like-new condition. Would love to see them find a good home (Downtown)

18. TAKEN: crate of used MAGA hats, red, some tear-staining, extra-large size (Albemarle House Drive)

19. TAKEN: Clozapine capsules, 500 mg, for hallucinations, past expiry date (Walnut)

20. TAKEN: gold star medal of Hero of the Soviet Union, tarnished, free to Progressive home (Petersburg)

21. WANTED: ammo for Schmeisser gun, quad stack 60 round magazines (G Street SW)

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