Map illustrating the rise of the Zulu Empire in southern Africa under Shaka (1816–28)
I have said ‘Night,
Are you not coming to an end because of dawn?’
And he murmurs back, the night,
‘You go too far, you have gone far enough.’
—F. T. Prince, “Chaka”
Thus Prince has the Zulu king speak,
of millions murderer, "Napoleon
of Africa," inventor of the iklwa,
a stabbing spear so named because of the sound it made
when plucked from the victim’s flesh.
Is all this all mere myth and legend?
They’ve named an airport after Shaka
at a place called La Mercy.
You can fly there from Dubai or Bangladesh.
Hoi polloi, black, white, or bont,* love killers,
and make them kings of song and story.
Napoleon’s a solar myth, it’s said,
surrounded by his twelve marshals,
clearly a version of Ra, Apollo, or Jesus Christ.†
The French still don’t like to think he lost at Waterloo!
There are some who call Hitler a saint.
Others think Stalin the savior of the Russian people,
and Mao the restorer of China’s ancient glory.
“You go too far, you have gone far enough.”‡
Quite true! We upright apes—we like our idols tough.
* bont =pied, many-colored, variegated (Afrikaans).
† See, e.g., Albert Sonnenfeld, “Napoleon as Sun Myth,” Yale French Studies 26 (1960): 32–36.
‡ F. T. Prince, “Chaka,” in id., The Doors of Stone (London: Rupert Hart-Davis, 1963), 48.