“Voters head to the polls on 5 November.”—news report
I’ll head out there despite my fears
For several hundred million years,
Right on through the long Jurassic.
Laurentia is in a spin,
No matter who might seem to win.
In Gondwanaland I’ll take my stand—
Not where Kozyrev† beats the band
And enjoys a Golden Shower
Every payday on the hour.
The Tethys Sea would be for him
A footbath, perhaps a sexy swim?
Bidding adieu to online seers,
Pangaean mountains I will climb,
Fracking's source in later time.
Of the Panthalassic Ocean
I'll surely get a better notion.
No doubt my journey will be classic!
When we get to the Triassic
New fossil polls will spring to life.
In the muddle of this year, this life.
“Far too many innocent Palestinians have been killed,” Kamala Harris said in her CNN interview yesterday. How many innocent Palestinians would it have been desirable to kill? Might just a mere thousand or so have sufficed?