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Updated: Nov 28, 2024

Boomslang photographed near Botrivier, Western Cape, South Africa

After La Fontaine

In a time yet to be, when the art of writing and the alphabet had long been lost,

A coronal mass ejection from the sun wiping out the Internet

Irreparably, all knowledge left was encoded in the memories

Of human beings otherwise good for nothing, called “Files.”

The Sixth Mass Extinction had

Left scant nonhuman animal life on Earth.

Of snakes only a single species suvived

Dispholidus typus, the Boomslang,

Of which a single individual

In a sudden burst of speciation had evolved intelligence of a superior kind—such things are inevitable,

The zoötic cosmological principle teaches,

Once life has begun on a planet circling its sun.

They must be what God—or the Universe—intends.

A tree remaining in Africa from which this wise Boomslang hung

Contemplating the nature of things,

Like Aristotle or La Boétie,

A memorious old File

Muttering the facts that were his raison d’être

Happened to pass beneath

And seeing the serpent on the bough

Seized it in his teeth and bit down viciously .

“Ah,” said the snake, “poor foolish File,

What do you seek to do?

Destroy that which is so much wiser than you?

All you wretched creatures know

Is how to remember and how to bite!”*

So saying, sadly, it died:

Intelligence would perforce await

Another aeon to delight.

*Ceci s’adresse à vous, esprits du dernier ordre,

Qui n’étant bons à rien cherchez sur tout à mordre.

Vous vous tourmentez vainement.

Croyez-vous que vos dents impriment leurs outrages

Sur tant de beaux ouvrages ?

—Jean de La Fontaine, “Le serpent et la lime” (1668)


Updated: Nov 27, 2024

Jonas Lie, The Black Teapot (1911), detail. Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse, New York

. . . nὰ ποὺ ὁ μέγας Θάνατος μοῦ γίνηκε ἀδερφός!—Sikelianos


Because I trusted my gut and lauded Earth,

Held back in flight my secret pinions’ strain,

And rooted mindfulness in willing dearth,

The dancing spring, live source of holy worth,

Revived to quench my thirst again …


Because I never figured out the when or how,

But plunged my mind into each passing call

As though it with eternity were allied,

Whether in summer plenitude or winter squall,

The monad sphere gleams like a berry now.

Rain falls from heaven and the fruit’s inside!


Because, instead of “Life starts, then ends,”

I said: “After a rainy day, light bends

More richly; earthquakes bolster up the sky;

Earth’s secret living pulse tells why,”

Great Death Himself’s become my brother.

“All that’s solid melts into air” [said Marx’s mother].


Epigraph: “ . . . Great Death Himself’s become my brother.”—Angelos Sikelianos, «Γιατὶ βαθιά μου δόξασα ["Because in my depths I praised"]», imitated from Sikelianos's Greek by PRD,


Diego Velázquez, The Temptation of St. Thomas (1632): angels fit Aquinas is fitted with a mystical chastity belt.

“Pray [for wisdom] in the presence of the skull of St. Thomas Aquinas.”—Father James Brent, OP

Tommaso d’Aquino died in Italy

seven and a half centuries ago.

Thinking, no doubt (as in that Monty Python show): “No time to lose!”

Urban V, last of the Avignon popes,

stashed his saintly relics in Toulouse.

(Toasting him in Châteauneuf-du-Pape

infallible Pio Nono approved no fool:

Urban's last reported words had been:

"Piquepoul, Piquepoul!”)

Tommaso’s brothers hired the boy a whore,

but he'd vowed his naughty parts away.

To the Church, he bequeathed his

Summa Theologiae

three thousand Articles the bishops' score.

Dismissing such vanities as "straw,"

Tomasso hence wrote little more.

He levitated with aplomb, though, when

the plummet holder was the BVM.

Next week Aquinas's skull will be visiting our town.

We’re short an icon since we ditched TJ and Robert E. Lee.

The Angelic Doctor's name is down

(but City Council leans, alas, to rapper Lil' Me).

Now let us pray.

Notes: OP = Order of Preachers, a Catholic mendicant order; Pio Nono = Pope Pius IX (r. 1846–78), proclaimer of the doctrine of papal infalliblity; Piquepoul = a grape variety blended in Châteauneuf-du-Pape; BVM = Blessed Virgin Mary.

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